Al Ain: A meteorologist has warned that the eyes and skin can be damaged if people go out without proper protection during the peak hours of the day, which are from 12 noon until 3pm.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is at its peak at noon in late May, June, July, and August. "UV rays are dangerous and capable of causing severe health problems," said Ahsan Mahmoud.
Health experts suggest using sunblock, protective clothes, UV protective sunglass and a hat before going out during peak hours.
"Reduce the amount of time spent in the sunlight and pay special attention to the protection of children and elderly people," said one doctor. Dr Riaz Ahmad, a physician at the Emirates Clinic and Medical Centre in Al Ain, said people generally believe that UV radiation mainly damages the skin.
"They must know that eyes are the most vulnerable part of human body that can suffer severe damage from the UV rays", he said.
The experts said UV radiation can lead to conditions like cataract, pterygium, cancer of the skin around the eye, photokeratitis and corneal degenerative changes, and may contribute to age-related macular degeneration. Findings by the World Health Organisation (WHO) show that UV radiation is a major source of global disease burden.
Preventive steps
In one report, the organisation said UV related illness and death are increasing in the world and the situation can be avoided through a series of simple preventive steps.
The organisation reports an estimated 60,000 deaths a year in the world due to exposure to the dangerous UV rays.
Dr Ahmad said the longer the exposure to sunlight the greater the risks. He said people, especially children, must wear sunglasses between 12 noon and 3pm and use sunblock to protect exposed skin.
Unbearable conditions
Heat, backed southerly winds, and high humidity in the coastal areas are the common characteristics of the summer months that make the weather conditions unbearable.
Meteorologists refer to June, July, and August as the harshest months with mercury shooting up to 49 degree Celsius at times. Streets and roads are deserted after midday until 5.30pm. An air-conditioned environment becomes the only refuge for the people during the peak hours. "We don't see anything unusual, so far, expecting the normal summer weather over the Arabian Peninsula," said a forecaster.